We are very pleased to say that we have launched a new area on our website aimed at the children of our carers!
Kidz Zone is a place solely for children. They can enter competitions, become our ‘guest reporter’ and submit art electronically for publishing. They can also catch up on any new announcements, read the blog written by our very own Kidz Rep and contact us if they need to.
There is also some useful information on there about health, bullying and about our new Skills For Life programme – a resource aimed at our fostered young people aged 16+ to prepare them for adult life.
We wanted to give children an area that they can call their own that is both immersive and interactive. To do this, we consulted the children of our carers over a long period of time to find out what they would like on the site – and to come up with a name for it!
A big thank you to all our staff, carers and children who took part in the consultation. We really hope that this area will develop over time, giving children of all ages an opportunity to contribute, feel valued – and hopefully win a completion or two!