£200 vouchers first prize - open to foster children under 25 years old
The National Children’s Bureau (NCB) have launched their online art gallery. They’re inviting care experienced people or those with a disability under the age of 25 to create their best artwork and enter their competition!
The theme of the artwork is to show what the word ‘home’ means to that person. This may be a poem, film, craft, artwork, photography, drama, or spoken word.
It’s open to foster children and care experienced young people under 25 years of age.
Winners will receive vouchers, including £200 voucher for first place!
The online gallery is the first activity to spring from a public engagement award given to NCB and the University of Kent to use creative methods to explore and disseminate the findings of Living Assessments. The gallery will accept submissions from young people with lived experience of children’s socialcare and/or disability.
Link for more information: NCB.org.uk
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