We’re pleased to be celebrating Sons & Daughters month again this October, a time when we truly acknowledge and thank the amazing contribution to fostering that the birth children of our foster carers make every day.
The children of our foster carers play a key role in the fostering household, and without their acceptance, energy and compassion, our carers would not be able to make a difference to other children’s lives.
Every year, The Fostering Network, one of the UK’s leading fostering charities, instigates this celebration – with a different theme each year. This year’s theme is based around what fostering teaches you. The ‘birth’ children of carers are encouraged to consider what they have learned from being a part of the fostering home.
The Fostering Network have launched a competition here. We have an internal competition, open to the children of all our carers.
We have had some wonderful entries so far. The art above, created by Isabelle, aged 11, is absolutely fantastic. She has chosen to include everything she has learnt within the letters of our name. Thank you Isabelle!
Jessica, aged 7, has drawn a brilliant picture of her home (below), surrounded by all the things that she has learnt within her fostering home. Well done Jessica!

So, a big thank you to all these children who play a vital role in helping other children, who listen to them, play with them – and generally welcome them into their family. You are amazing, and very much an integral part of the fostering team within your home!